Deer in Hollywood

Deer in Hollywood Films

Deer in Hollywood are more common than you might think. They can be comical at times and very interesting as a way to draw us back to nature in others. If you love comedies then you should watch “Are we There Yet”. There is a scene in this movie where the lead character gets into a fight with a deer (and wins) after pulling over so a child in his vehicle can throw up. That is only one of the many trials and tribulations that take place in this move.

The guy in the movie has to deal with two children that don’t like him. Yet he wants to date their mother so he is willing to put up with their antics to a point. When the kids are entrusted to him for a period of time he quickly realizes that he is completely in over his head. This moving is very heartwarming though and one that the entire family can enjoy together.

Bambi is a movie that the entire family will enjoy, and the little ones will find it great as a cartoon. There are plenty of other great characters found in this particular story including Flower the skunk. Disney regularly offers it every couple of years so if you don’t own a copy of it find out when that next occasion will be. You can also get used copies of it online from various sites. It is also one of the very few cartoons ever done with a deer as the main character.

Due to the many different species of deer out there, you will find plenty of great documentaries. They will give you an up close and personal look at one in particular. This is a great way for you to have firsthand knowledge about types of deer you are passionate about. As you watch such documentaries you will have a great appreciation for these animals and how they are able to live in such diverse habitats around us.

Today the hunting programs on TV have become very popular and there are even cable channels dedicated to deer hunting and deer raising stories. Some of the people in these programs have weekly shows and others are hour long informative materials that are aired on a regular basis.

These types of shows offer people a chance to see what it is like to raise deer in certain environments. It also can show about hunting for them, from staking out areas to the actual killing. Others go into the next steps such as processing the meat of a deer and even preparing it to for the taxidermy process.

You won’t see too many shows with deer in them though in Hollywood due to the fact that these animals aren’t easy to train such as many other animals can be. Some of them are very tame but that still doesn’t make them movie material in this particular element of society.

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